When we go to the country I always look for deer. I find them very exciting and magical. In fact I think it is like seeing an angel, because they have a powerful spiritual aura. Imagine my surprise when a deer appeared in my own garden! I was spooning my morning yogurt into a bowl, when I saw him out the window. He was nibbling my petunias, then he tasted the tomato leaves (not the tomatoes, thank goodness, he's like Jay Leno, doesn't like vegetables!) Then he took a drink from the bird bath. All this time I was mesmerized, spoon dangling in air. I came to my senses in time to get some good photos of the guy. Then I started to feel the gardener's dilemma. Yes he was an angel, but he was eyeing my just about to bloom sunflower with tasty interest. So I made some noise and he decided to leap away. I had been looking for an excuse to paint the flowers in my garden, and very much wanted to paint this deer. I hope you enjoy it.