There are special, sudden moments in life that stand out, when you enter another dimension. This is what happened to me as I left my friend's new apartment building. It is across from a woods. I have walked in this woods often in the past, happy to look at birds and wild flowers. As I approached, something caught my eye. Slinking out of the woods, in front of the trees, was a large bobcat. He stopped directly across from me and stared with golden eyes. We were caught in a moment of frozen time. I was in awe and didn't even think, is this dangerous? Instead of thinking, I was in the grip of something larger. My connection with this great animal and the universe. I managed to take out my phone and take the Bobcat's photo. And then he went back into the woods, I got in my car, still filled with wonder. Of course, later, I painted the Bobcat. Many people reacted to my photo as if the Bobcat is dangerous and I could have been attacked. Perhaps in retrospect I can see it could have been a dangerous moment. But I think that great cat and I have an understanding to respect one another and carry the knowledge of each other inside us.